Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lady Boy Lady Boy now you have a home

Today in Bangkok I read in am American news paper about a young boy who was shot at school because he liked to dress like a girl. I struck me even more because just yesterday I read in a Thai newspaper about a school here that has decided to allow girls and boys to choose which uniform they want to wear: girls' or boys'. They even put in bathrooms for this "third sex."

While "lady boys" have long been an "attraction" here in Thailand, today they are no longer relegated to the seedier bars of Pat Pong and are working in many different industries. As a habitual skin care shopper, I have seen many very feminine, graceful, beautiful men as salespeople and managers. Many more young boys are realizing their affiliation and, to it's credit, Thailand seems to be accepting these boys, adding "third sex" facilities and passing laws of inclusion.

And then there's America, purportedly the land of the free and proponent of diversity, where people who don't fit into our boxes are not just ridiculed but slain.

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