Saturday, November 24, 2007

Looky Looky

Today in Hong Kong I took my Indonesian friend to a place famous for its huge selection of margaritas. It is a laid-back Tex-Mex style place catering to expats and is situated between two "model dancer" bars.

These "bars" are all up and down Lockhart Rd in Wanchai. Wanchai, famous among US Navy sailors stopping for a short R&R. The interiors are impossible to glimpse as the doors are covered with heavy black curtains. Outside the bars the touts are middle-aged women who go after any white man that isn't already being "escorted" by a young lady (who could be a colleague or girlfriend or whatever). They also seem to leave the guys with a cell phone glued to their ears alone.

I find it very incongruous that the touts are dowdy, frumpy, older women who look like they could be selling their own daughters. They are sexy girls inviting guys in; they aren't sharp slick guys with gold in their teeth; they are just your frumpy landlady in flats and baggy pants and a jacket, no make-up, hair in no particular style. They are not the ideal image of a sex tout!

The ladies at the bar next to us did have a helper comeout somtimes. A buxom Philipina in a skin tight red camisol and matching strech mini-skirt that was carefully arranged so as to show the top of her g-string and the rolls of back fat that most low-slung clothes show off so well.


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